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20 Money-making Social Media Niches

Thinking of getting active on social media? Clueless about what to focus on? Be it for Instagram, twitter, YouTube or Facebook, read on for niche ideas to focus on to build your brand and create a steady source of income.

First things first, why do you need to have a niche?

It is normal as a human with diverse interests, strengths and abilities to want to explore as many paths as possible but having a niche helps streamline your efforts. Staying focused and consistent tends to have the biggest impact on our life choices and this isn’t any different with our social media goals.

Here are 5 benefits of having a niche:
  1. You get better feedback- when you venture into the online world, it's important for you to know what gives you the best results and fast. How do you know what works if you are all over the place? Having a niche helps you receive direct feedback and helps you get better at what you do instead of wondering if your audience enjoys a certain type of content or not.

  1. Your thoughts and efforts are directed to one thing- instead of sourcing for materials for gossip, then looking for materials on gaming, hen makeup and every other thing-see how exhausting that is? Having a niche means that your efforts are directed into one area and therefore less stressful and more streamlined.

  1. You position yourself as an expert- what would you want to be known for? Having a niche means that you get to be the go-to guy/girl for whatever your audience and ultimately prospective customers may need.

  1. You are sure of your audience and their wants- when you have a niche, you are sure of what your audience is there for. It means you never have to worry if they are there for sneakers advice or the best concealer advice. This is important when it's time for you to monetise.

  1. Easier to monetise- because you have a niche and are known for being the expert at something, when it's time to monetise, it's more authentic. Your paying customers trust what you are offering and are willing to give you their money.

20 niche ideas to focus on:
  1. Makeup and beauty- good with makeup? Know where to get cheap but good quality makeup products? Offer your expertise by giving makeup advice and creative makeup techniques.

  1. DIY Crafts- if you’ve got a creative mind and a passion for craft, help people save money by teaching them to make things by themselves. It could be as simple as making a hair bow to making a nice chair for their porch.

  1. Music instrument tutorials- many hobbies and goals lists include learning to play a musical instrument. You can help them achieve their goals by being their online teacher. From their first keys to buying the right instrument.

  1. Motivational content- everyone needs motivation now and then. If you are good with words and encouraging people to be better, create motivational content online. You can tailor it further by creating for only young people or the elderly trying to start over.

  1. Book reviews- love to read? Then this is for you. For every book you read, hop on to social media and share what you love or hate, or what you learned from the book.

  1. Yoga- help others get into yoga by being their online guide. From beginner to advanced or specific yoga techniques for back ache, tight hips of leaner body, you can share.

  1. Haircare and hairstyling- this niche can be for those who have hairstyling experience or you are simply creative with hair. You can offer hair care tips, easy hairstyles to even colouring techniques.

  1. Fitness- help others get into shape by offering fitness advice and workout routines. You can offer quick workouts, longer routines and even body or age specific routines.

  1. Celebrity Gossip: If you love celebrities, gossip and have a way of telling stories, merge all three and be the ultimate celeb gossip source.

  1. Travel- love to travel? Does your job take you to different places? You can begin to create travel content. From the food to the lifestyle and hotels found in the different places you visit, this niche is all yours to explore.

  1. Sports- this is for the sport aficionados. Don’t let your sports bants go to waste. Come online and share your love for sports with the world. This niche can be further broken down to focus on just football, tennis, basketball or whatever your favourite sport is.

  1. Movie reviews- love movies? Enjoy analysing every single detail of movies? From characters to character development, plot, graphics and storyline, this niche offers you endless content.

  1. Cooking tutorials- if you love to cook, are a sucker for good food and feel the world will be a better place if everyone knew how to prepare good meals, then this is for you. From meal prep to proper use and quantity of ingredients to use, there’s no limit to what you can share.

  1. Fashion and style- you can be the next fashion police. Save the world from bad fashion choices by putting your knowledge and love for fashion into good use. Offer style tips, colour coordination ideas, even where to shop quality clothes and how to pair accessories.

  1. Listicles- if you love looking for alternatives, similar option to something or you simply love creating lists, then this niche is your baby. Create ten alternatives to iPhone 11, 5 movies to see if we love GOT(without that ending of course), or 20 things to do when you’re bored out of your mind. You can make this a sub-niche of sports, makeup, gadgets, the possibilities are endless.

  1. Gadget reviews- speaking of gadgets, everyone loves their toys. From phones, to consoles, trackers to home or office inventions, share news on them and how to use it. You can also direct people to where the cheapest are sold and provide alternatives.

  1. Tech tutorials- tech is all the rave right now. For this niche, I wouldn’t advise going into if you’re not a techie as you don’t want to share wrong information. Teach people how to start coding, the best languages to use to create whatever, and programming tips, tricks or hacks.

  1. Dance tutorials- get moving if you love to dance and know just the right move to enjoy that music with. You can teach people specific moves, create routines to mime with and teach dance exercises.

  1. Digital marketing- teach people SEO, display advertising, email marketing, blogging, how to automate their digital marketing efforts, analytics and everything in between. This niche will provide you with loads of content and have you constantly updating your knowledge.

  1. Starting a business- grew up with a family business? Created a successful business(es) of your own? Are you a serial entrepreneur? Or you have loads of knowledge on creating sustainable businesses? Hop online and help create the next million entrepreneurs.

As you can see, there is something for everyone and there are many more niches to explore. Find what you are good at, what you enjoy and focus on it. Remember to let your personality shine through, try to create value and fill in the gaps in whatever niche you decide to focus on. Your consistency will pay off. 



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