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Showing posts from March, 2020

How to Take the Perfect Selfies

It's selfie time!!! You know what a selfie is. When you scroll past your favorite social media, you are inundated by beautiful faces. You look at your fave slay queens in awe at how the camera seems to love them. "How can I replicate that? How can I get the perfect selfie?" you wonder. Not to worry, after reading this, your selfie game will never be the same. Now is taking selfies a vain hobby? It depends! What I can tell you is there are benefits to selfies. Why you should take great selfies 1. Opportunities- especially on social media, a pretty face can open doors. There are ladies I know who as a result of their super selfie powers have been asked to model face products, be the face of a photo project, etc. There are even people who you follow due to their cute pictures. By increasing their follower count, you open up opportunities for them to be brand influencers. 2. Emphasize your features - because a selfie is basically a self portrait, it emphas...

Everything I learned From a "How are you" Deficit

Last year was a bit difficult for me. Had my share of ups and downs with things seeming down for longer. In the midst of it all, my eyes opened to different things, the seemingly small things, the things we take for granted. Things like asking "How are you?" You see, I have a small but healthy circle of friends with whom I have a relatively constant communication with. I reach out to them and they reciprocate but that in itself isn't enough. It's cool hugging and giving high-fives to each other when you meet, diving straight into the gist you've been waiting to share and complimenting each other's outfits and complexion, but: You must be deliberate about care. You must be deliberate about the welfare of your loved ones and you must be intentional when you ask, how are you? This question is sadly asked really loosely. How many times have you asked how someone is, waited to hear the reply, and asked a follow up question or two? I can co...

This is Why They Are Not Your Role Models

A role model according to Merriam Webster dictionary is – a person whose behaviour in a particular role is imitated by others. A role model is often imitated in terms of looks, mannerisms, attitude and even life-changing decisions such as career, family and spiritual inclinations. Now the big issue here is: who is an ideal role model or who is qualified to be a role model? Should anyone be saddled with the burden of being anyone’s role model? Let’s face it, being a role model is a full time job. You are almost not allowed to make mistakes, have to put on a certain conduct; both in speech and action especially in public. You have to be careful knowing that your critics are ready to jump on you and your admirers, whether or not they realise it, are waiting to blame you for their missteps.  Here are the facts: Everyone, whether they like it or not, is someone’s role model. Everything you do is inspiring someone somewhere, good or bad.  You are a book anyone...

To Think Like A Freak, Do Away With Your Moral Compass

I kicked my year 2020 by putting down a list of books I want to read before the end of the year, one of them being “ Think Like A Freak ”. The authors, STEVEN D. LEVITT and STEPHEN J. DUBNER, wrote the book in an attempt to teach people to think like freaks. What does it mean to think like a freak? Here’s the meaning in their own words: “It strikes us that in recent years, the idea has arisen that there is a “right” way to think about solving a given problem and of course a “wrong” way too. This inevitably leads to a lot of shouting–and, sadly, a lot of unsolved problems. Can this situation be improved upon? We hope so. We’d like to bury the idea that there is a right way and a wrong way, a smart way and a foolish way, a red way and a blue way. The modern world demands that we all think a bit more productively, more creatively, more rationally; that we think from a different angle, with a different set of muscles, with a different set of expectations; that we think with neit...

5 Ways to Support a Business Without Money

You may have thought of ways to support a business whose products and services you love or you have friends and family who accuse you of not patronising them. Sometimes, you just have too many financial commitments at that point in time and can’t spare any cash. You might not even be interested in what they are selling but you know you can’t tell them that. What then can you do? Before you get called jealous or unsupportive, here are five ways you can support a business without money. Don’t shun their ideas: I believe this is one of the very first and most important ways of showing support. When they come to you with their ideas and vision, don’t shun it. Understand that it takes a certain level of trust for them to open up to you. What you should do is listen to them, ask them how they intend to go about it and assure them that you will be there for them whenever they need a listening ear. Promote their services for them: While you may not be able to buy from them, t...

7 Super Smoothie and Drink Recipes You Must Try

After Detty December comes what? Resolution January! That's right. You resolve to get fit, eat better and replace soda with healthier alternatives like smoothies. You keep it up for a little while and then you begin to slack on your resolve. Fast forward to late January you are bombarded with Valentine ads with juicy offers and treats you are sure will add more pounds than the average cheat day meal. Do you look away? No! You and your boo deserve a treat come Valentine's day, you can't miss this.  Oh you're single? Well, we all know self-love is the greatest. Add that Valentine's day is on a Friday, so you get to treat yourself for the whole weekend? That's it, you're getting all those chocolates, pizza,  alcohol and whatever junk you can lay your hands on. Blame loved-up February, Resolution January weeps! After the high from Valentine's day, you realize you have fallen all the way off from your healthy goals. Thankfully there's ...

20 Money-making Social Media Niches

Thinking of getting active on social media? Clueless about what to focus on? Be it for Instagram, twitter, YouTube or Facebook, read on for niche ideas to focus on to build your brand and create a steady source of income. First things first, why do you need to have a niche? It is normal as a human with diverse interests, strengths and abilities to want to explore as many paths as possible but having a niche helps streamline your efforts. Staying focused and consistent tends to have the biggest impact on our life choices and this isn’t any different with our social media goals. Here are 5 benefits of having a niche: You get better feedback- when you venture into the online world, it's important for you to know what gives you the best results and fast. How do you know what works if you are all over the place? Having a niche helps you receive direct feedback and helps you get better at what you do instead of wondering if your audience enjoys a certain type of content...