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10 Things to do to Enjoy Better Sleep

Black woman sleeping
Credit: istock

Sleep is vital to human health.

There is a saying: "A good laugh and a long sleep are the best cures in the doctor’s book." It's an Irish proverb and to a great extent, it's true.

Especially when you consider some of the benefits of sleep:

  • Sleep helps to reduce stress.
  • Sleep plays an important role in weight control. Researchers say that short sleep can affect appetite and lead to increase in BMI.
  • Sleep acts as a mood booster.
  • Sleep aids mental alertness.
  • When you sleep, your body repairs itself.

While many people understand the importance of sleep, somehow, they are unable to tap into it.

Illnesses aside, our modern world seems to make it more difficult to enjoy these benefits.

The thought of bills, social media, excess screen time, long commuting time, working multiple jobs and even deliberate sleep deprivation(for certain reasons) deprive many of good sleep.

If you are unable to enjoy long sleep, this post is for you.

I will give you simple, actionable steps you can take to increase your sleep time and enjoy the benefits of a good shut-eye.

Here are 10 things you can do today for better sleep:

Your bed should be for sleep only

Rid your bed of anything that doesn't aid sleep. Your phones, laptop, game console, note pads, etc. Anything that can prevent sleep when you get on your bed must be kept far away. Your mantra should be: "Bed is for sleep"

The benefit is, it forces you to get in the sleep zone whenever you climb onto your bed. This means once you hit the bed, and your head hits the pillow, the next step naturally will be sleep since there are no distractions.

Cut down on night work

Our body has an "internal clock" which regulates our physiological processes within a 24 hour cycle (Circadian rhythm). During the day, we work and towards the night, our body begins to wind down in preparation for sleep. 

Now, working at night instead of resting can mess up your body's circadian rhythm. Working late really is giving yourself longer days and shorter nights. The best way to avoid this is, work with your body clock.

Once it's night, put away work and allow your body wind down and get the much needed rest. With a healthy circadian rhythm, sleep comes easier and more naturally to you.

Get a good sleeping space

Your bedroom should be your sanctuary. Make it a place you're happy to lay your head. From your bed to your pillows, the covers and duvet, everything should encourage sleep. 

Get nice fluffy pillows, a bed that is comfortable and aesthetically pleasing. Doing this makes you look forward to sleep. 

Take it a step further by choosing your bed covers and duvet carefully. Nice fabrics, colours and patterns that you love, and a duvet that enhances your comfort no matter the weather. 

If a teddy bear will aid your sleep, by all means place one or two on your bed. Also keep your room cool and dark. Block external light sources by using blinds or blackout curtains. In your bedroom, use dim lights when it's time for bed. 

Have soothing music

This could be classical music, jazz, gospel, blues or even instrumentals to your favorite songs. The key though, is keeping it at a low volume. Not only do you not want to disturb your neighbour, you don't want it to disturb you either. 

Ideally, the music should sound like it's coming from far away yet loud enough that you can hear it faintly. Avoid heavy beats and danceable tracks.

Go to sleep at the same time daily

This is another way of getting a good sleep cycle. Pick a certain time (say 11pm) and start working towards it. This means between 9-11pm, you begin to wind down. You start shutting your screens, turning off your lights, rounding up your chores and preparing for bed. 

When done consistently, your body automatically begins to adjust towards that set time. Sleep becomes easier and something to look forward to.

Have a good sleep routine

Your night routine should encourage sleep. This could involve any of the following: 

  • Lay out your sleep wear: your sleepwear should be light, airy, comfortable and easy to get into. 
  • Take your bath: this gets rid of all the dust, sweat and grease accumulated during the day which can make you uncomfortable. It also helps to cool your body especially on warm nights.
  • Light body workout: do stretches to loosen up stiff muscles, get you relaxed or even a moderately intense exercise to wear you out. This depends on your body though. If you find that exercising will make you active and awake instead, avoid it.

Other activities may include taking off your makeup, lighting scented candles, reading a book (hard cover only). Whatever your routine is, it must avoid active work and tend towards sleep.

Avoid Caffeine and alcohol

Or stimulants of any kind. This is a no-brainer really. These substances are supposed to help you stay awake. If you want to sleep better, avoid them especially from the early evenings to the night time.

Avoid screens

You must declare war on your laptop, phone, television when it's time for bed. Keep your phones and laptops away from the bed and out of reach. 

For your television, turn it off and take it a step further by plugging it out from the socket. The idea is to make it difficult to use the screens.

Away from the screen, you're forced to be with your thoughts and reflect over your day, plan for the next day and sleep.

Avoid naps

For a lot of people, a one-hour nap is enough to disturb their night sleep. If this is you, rethink taking a nap during the day. And if you must, keep it within 30 minutes.

Use sleeping pills or teas

This should be a last resort and must be done after consultation with your doctor. Tell the doctor about your sleep problems, tell them of the side effects of any sleep aid you have consumed in the past. 

Also, consider possible side effects of whatever the doctor recommends and preferably start with a low dose. 

There you have it. All ten (10) steps you can take to get better sleep and see results. Start implementing at least one and take note of which aids sleep the most. 

I'll love to hear which one delivers the best result for you.


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